Case Studies
Buckinghamshire Council (BC) was created in April 2020 as a single unitary authority combining five existing council areas - Buckinghamshire County, South Bucks, Chiltern, Wycombe, and Aylesbury Vale. Trying to adopt and modify a selection of existing policy material from the 5 former councils would require a lot of time from a review and redrafting perspective, so the stakeholders were in agreement that a new suite of policies should be developed for BC.
Case Studies
The Head of IT at THCH recognised that IT Policies were key to improving the organisation’s cybersecurity awareness and risk profile. However, with no formally documented and approved policies in place there was some significant work required to address this. Without the right guidance in place there was the potential for a security incident to occur and confidential data to be exposed.
Case Studies
Whilst there was a formal approach to developing or reviewing policies at HES, they had only been updated periodically since their creation. The work was treated and viewed as a task that could be stopped or started when the need arose. This adhoc approach meant it was not uncommon for a staff member to raise a query about a policy which highlighted that the content was out of date or not in line with technological advances.
Case Studies
At the start of the pandemic Rother District Councils IT team had to deploy new platforms, laptops and mobiles. As the team were fully engaged in the project, the IT Manager was conscious of the fact that some other planned work had to be re-prioritised and delayed. “At council we strive to follow best practice and had an intention to develop IT policies that would assist us in this area. However, the workload associated with the technology refresh project meant shelving the policy work, or looking for an alternative way to get it done”
Case Studies
Wellington Shire Council had loosely worded policies in place which were not exercised strongly throughout all of its various business units. Due to the lack of clarity on service delivery expectations, acceptable use of systems and data, and a clear framework to work to, staff did not have a full understanding of the policies. As a result, the organisation faced pressures from an audit compliance perspective and needed to make improvements quickly. The ICT team were aware of the need for a comprehensive policy suite, but acknowledged that the amount of work required to establish such a framework would be time-consuming.
Case Studies
The ICT team had focussed on implementing good security controls using settings within appliances such as the gateway routers or user logon requirements for software, however, there was not enough policy content underpinning these good operational practices.
Case Studies
As an amalgamated Council creating significant changes to business processes and technologies, it is important MidCoast Council put in place a central set of policies and procedures. MidCoast Council was formed by NSW Government proclamation in May 2016 through the merger of the former Great Lakes, Greater Taree and Gloucester Shire Council and MidCoast Water.
Case Studies
Lockyer Valley Regional Council (LVRC) has over 300 users. The typical user utilises Council’s administration network for email, access to Council’s property information, financials and document/information management systems to input data and to interrogate data to make informed decisions.
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