For Not for Profit

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"Improve your cybersecurity maturity and risk profile"

IT security policy management for not for profit (NFP) - NFP organisations do important work to provide services that cater for a diverse range of community needs.

Assisting people with housing and accommodation, managing health and wellbeing issues, and providing skills training programs are just some examples where having access to a client’s personal information is key to a NFP delivering their services. Ensuring this information is handled appropriately and securely is paramount.

In order to ensure the security and integrity of this sensitive data, NFPs must adhere to key industry standards and best practices. However, dedicating the time to developing robust IT security policies can be a challenge due to limited resources. This is where PPS steps in, collaborating with NFPs to establish a solid foundation of policies and procedures. This, in turn, allows NFPs to focus more of their valuable time on serving their clients.

Some examples of the standards and best practices that NFPs should incorporate into their IT security policies include:

  • ISO 27002: This standard provides in-depth guidance on implementing information security controls and best practices. It encompasses various security domains, allowing organisations to customise their security measures to their unique requirements.
  • PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard): If an NFP processes payment card transactions, adherence to PCI DSS is essential. This standard outlines security requirements for safeguarding cardholder data during storage, transmission, and processing.
  • ISO 29151: Provides guidance for safeguarding personally identifiable information (PII), ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and respecting individuals' privacy rights.

By integrating these industry standards and best practices into their IT policies NFP organisations can effectively protect client data, maintain the trust of their stakeholders, and continue to focus on their mission to serve the community. PPS, as a trusted partner, can guide NFPs through the process of aligning their policies with these standards, ensuring compliance and security without diverting precious resources away from their core missions.


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